They shall not grow old as we that are left to grow old
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning.
We will remember them!

From the poem For The Fallen (1914)
by Laurence Binyon (1869-1943)

Memorial Day – SANDF SFHQ – Sunday 02 September

Sunday 2 September 2018, we gathered at the Boskerk (Bush Church) at Special Forces HQ to bow our heads in remembrance of our Special Forces soldiers that died in battle.

The sounds of the bag pipes lend a fittingly solemn atmosphere to the occasion as everyone moved from the church to the memorial.

The Last Post sounded out over the sunny morning as the flags were lowered, allowing each and sundry a united silent memory of those men who lost their lives in battle.

As the names and dates from the Roll of Honour sounded over the parade ground, one hears the names of those fellow soldiers, comrades, buddies, family who died during your time of service and you are thankful both for what they did and that you lived to remember them.

Many an eye blinked tears away as a mother took her young son up to the memorial to lay a wreath for his father. He crawled up the stairs to put the flower down and crawled down back to his mother. That image will remain in many minds for a long time to come.



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Roll of honor

Here we remember our brother operators who have left us, and who rest now, in Eternal Peace


A short compilation video about the South African Recce Commandos. Watch now on Youtube…